Bay of Sighs (Guardians Trilogy 2) | 拾書所

Bay of Sighs (Guardians Trilogy 2)

$ 595 元 原價 595

The new Guardians Trilogy novel from the #1 "New York Times" bestselling author of "Stars of Fortune." To celebrate the rise of their new queen, three goddesses of the moon created three stars, one of fire, one of ice, one of water. But then they fell from the sky, putting the fate of all worlds in danger. And now three women and three men join forces to pick up the pieces Mermaid Annika is from the sea, and it is there she must return after her quest to find the stars. New to this world, her purity and beauty are nothing less than breathtaking, along with her graceful athleticism, as her five new friends discovered when they retrieved the fire star. Now, through space and time, traveler Sawyer King has brought the guardians to the island of Capri, where the water star is hidden. And as he watches Annika in her element, he finds himself drawn to her joyful spirit. But Sawyer knows that if he allows her into his heart, no compass could ever guide him back to solid ground... And in the darkness, their enemy broods. She lost one star to the guardians, but there is still time for blood to be spilled the mermaid s in the water and the traveler s on the land. For she has forged a dangerous new weapon. Something deadly and unpredictable. Something human."

《紐約時報》暢銷書《Stars of Fortune》作者又帶來《Guardians》三部曲新作。為了慶祝新皇后登基,三位女月神分別創造了火、冰、水三顆星。然而三顆星卻殞落凡間,使得所有世界陷入危險。此時,三男三女一同合作,要讓一切回復正常,美人魚艾妮卡來自海洋,在尋星後,她必須重返海中。在這群護衛收回火星的旅程中,艾妮卡的五位新朋友認為,初到這個世界的艾妮卡,擁有讓人著迷不已的純潔心靈、美麗臉孔以及優雅姿態。此時,時空旅人索而國王,帶著其他五名護衛來到卡普里島,也就是水星的藏身地。索而深受艾妮卡在水中的喜悅與怡然自得所吸引,然而索而知道,一但讓艾妮卡走進自己的內心,他自己將會方寸大亂……此時,敵人正在暗黑中悄悄地茁壯。雖然護衛從敵人手中拿到一顆星,但敵人仍然有時間能血染水中的美人魚及陸上的旅人。因為敵人製造了一種危險新武器,不僅致命難以預測且極具人性。




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