Where Is the Amazon? 亞馬遜森林 | 拾書所

Where Is the Amazon? 亞馬遜森林

$ 210 元 原價 210
Which of these facts are true?
It may have as many as 400 billion trees!
About fifty tribes there live much as they did before Europeans first came in 1542
The Amazon River has more waterthan the Nile, the Mississippi, and the Yangtze combined!
Without risking life or limb, readers can explore the wonders and beauty of the Amazon in this Where Is…? title.
Human beings have inhabited the banks of the Amazon River since 13,000 BC and yet they make up just a small percentage of the “population” of this geographic wonderland. The Amazon River basin teems with life—animal and plant alike. It’s a rainforest that is home to an estimated 390 billion individual trees, 2.5 million species of insects, and hundreds of amazing creatures and plants that can either cure diseases, or, like the poison dart frog, kill with a single touch. Where Is the Amazon? reveals the amazing scale of a single rainforest that we are still trying to understand today and that, in many ways, supports our existence on this planet.

只要翻開本書,讀者無須冒險,就能探索亞馬遜的驚奇與美景。早在西元前 13,000 年,人類就已經開始定居亞馬遜河岸,不過人類的數量在這塊自然樂土中也顯得微不足道,亞馬遜盆地裡生機盎然,孕育的原生物種涵蓋約 3900 億棵樹木、250 萬種昆蟲以及數百種奇特的生物與植物,有的具有療效,有的像是箭毒蛙,卻可致命 。本書呈現亞馬遜這片雨林的驚人規模,現今我們仍試圖了解其複雜的生態發展,就許多層面來說,亞馬遜也支撐了人類在地球上的生存。

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