The Forgotten Room | 拾書所

The Forgotten Room

$ 315 元 原價 315

Professor Jeremy Logan (the quirky and charismatic “enigmalogist” who specializes in solving problems of the strange or seemingly supernatural variety) receives an urgent summons from the director of Lux, one of the oldest and most respected think tanks in America. An unexplainable tragedy has taken place in the sprawling compound located on the coastline of Newport, Rhode Island. One of Lux’s most distinguished doctors, overcome by erratic behavior, violently attacked his assistant before meeting with a gruesome self-inflflflffllflicted end. Deeply shaken by the incident and the bizarre evidence left behind from the doctor’s final project—as well as recent troubling behavior among several of the think tank’s other scientists—Lux fears there is something more sinister occurring within its walls and looks to Jeremy Logan to investigate. Logan quickly makes a surprising discovery. In a long-dormant wing of the estate, he uncovers an ingeniously hidden secret room, unknown and untouched for decades. The room is essentially a time capsule, fiffiilled with eerie machinery and obscure references to a top-secret experiment known as “Project S.” As Logan attempts to unravel its meaning, he begins to discern what transpired in that room—and why the frightening project was suddenly abandoned and sealed off many years before. As his work draws him ever deeper into harm’s way, Logan soon unleashes a series of catastrophic events upon the rest of Lux . . . and himself.

傑若米・洛根教授是一位作風獨特卻極具魅力的解謎專家,擅長解開各種奇異或看似超自然的不可思議事件。教授收到一通來自勒思研究院院長的求救訊息,勒思研究院是全美歷史最悠久且最權威的智庫研究機構之一。勒思研究院的廣大園區位於羅德島的寧靜海邊小鎮鈕波特,某日,這裡發生了一件難以理解的悲劇,一名傑出的博士研究員突然失常,殘暴地攻擊他的助理,隨即以殘酷方式自我了結性命。此一事件引起軒然大波,而博士生前最後的研究計劃也有著種種不尋常的跡象,還有近日院內其他研究員發生的怪誕行徑導致人心惶惶,勒思研究院深怕還會發生更多可怕事件,於是尋求洛根教授協助調查真相。洛根教授沒多久就意外發現,在園區建築物荒癈已久的一側,藏有一間巧妙封存多年的密室,數十年來不為人知,也未有人發現它的存在。時間在這裡如同凍結一般,室內堆滿怪異儀器與測量數據,顯示在這裡進行著名為「S 計劃」的最高機密實驗,洛根教授試圖解開謎團,隨即明白神秘房間內所發生的一切,以及為何多年前這項可怕的研究計劃突然被迫中止並封存。洛根教授越是深入調查,就越是身陷險境,很快地,一連串災難事件相繼發生,不僅牽扯更多勒思研究院相關人士,連他自己都不能倖免。

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