Into the Whirlwind | 拾書所

Into the Whirlwind

$ 280 元 原價 280

Megan O'Brien is at her wit's end. Her three-year-old son has been kidnapped. No police, says the ransom demand. Fearing for her son's life, Meg has no choice but to turn to her former bodyguard, Dirk Reynolds. Dirk's never forgiven Meg for the way she left him after their brief affair. But with bounty hunter Luke Brodie on his side, Dirk knows he's got to help Meg rescue her son. The few clues they’ve gathered send them spiraling into a murky world of big banking and international crime. Meg may be way out of her depths, but she’s seeing a side of Dirk she never suspected—one no woman could possibly resist.

梅根•奧布萊恩手足無措,因為她 3 歲大的兒子遭人綁架,對方要求贖金,還警告不能報警。梅根因為擔心兒子的安危,所以只好向前任保鑣德克•雷諾茲求援。雖然德克一直無法原諒梅根結束他們短暫戀情的方式,但因為有賞金獵人路克•博帝的相挺,德克知道得幫梅根救出兒子。他們蒐集到的些許線索逐漸讓他們跌入大型金融及國際犯罪的黑暗世界。雖然梅根已不再留戀過去的情感,但如今她卻發覺德克有著令全天下女人都無法抗拒的另一面。

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