Barron’s SAT and ACT Grammar Workbook | 拾書所

Barron’s SAT and ACT Grammar Workbook

$ 525 元 原價 525

A solid command of English grammar is a prerequisite for success when students take the SAT and/or ACT. This workbook presents a detailed grammar review with dozens of practice quizzes and exercises to sharpen students' skills. It begins with an explanation of grammatical terms and their functions. It then introduces the 24 most common grammar and usage questions that appear on the SAT and ACT and how to answer them. Prominent among them are questions on agreement between subject and verb, use of pronouns, verb forms, parallel structure, and diction. A final chapter focuses on advice and instruction for writing error-free SAT and ACT essays. This workbook is filled with sample questions exactly like those found on both the SAT and ACT, and comes with fully explained answers.

學生必須紮實掌握英語文法才能在 SAT 和 ACT 測驗致勝,因此這本習作簿提供詳細的文法複習,搭配大量測驗題,讓學生的文法更上一層樓。本書一開始先講解文法用詞和功能,接著介紹 SAT 與 ACT 測驗會出現的 24 種常見文法題目與解題技巧,這些題目大多聚焦主詞動詞一致性、代名詞的運用、動詞型態、平行結構,以及措辭,最後一章則引導學生寫出沒有文法錯誤的 SAT 和 ACT 作文。本書例題與實際測驗題型十分相近,並附詳解。

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