A Banquet of Consequences | 拾書所

A Banquet of Consequences

$ 315 元 原價 315

Inspector Lynley investigates the London end of an ever more darkly disturbing case, with Barbara Havers and Winston Nkata looking behind the peaceful facade of country life to discover a twisted world of desire and deceit. The suicide of William Goldacre is devastating to those left behind. But what was the cause of his tragedy and how far might the consequences reach? Is there a link between the young man's leap from a Dorset cliff and a horrific poisoning in Cambridge? Following various career-threatening misdemeanours, Detective Sergeant Barbara Havers is desperate to redeem herself. So when a past encounter with bestselling feminist writer Clare Abbott and her pushy personal assistant Caroline Goldacre gives her a connection to the Cambridge murder, Barbara begs DI Thomas Lynley to let her pursue the crime. Full of shocks, intensity and suspense from first page to last, A Banquet of Consequences reveals both Lynley and Havers under pressure, and author Elizabeth George writing at the very height of her exceptional powers.

調查官林莉和芭芭拉與溫斯頓在倫敦展開調查,在看似和平的鄉村發現了一個暗藏慾望與謊言的世界。威廉自殺對他身旁的人是個沉重的打擊,但為什麼會發生這樣的悲劇?影響又會有多深遠?威廉跳下多塞特懸崖會與劍橋的下毒案有所關聯嗎?芭芭拉警探在發生了多次失職事件後,一直想找機會將功贖罪,芭芭拉從過去和暢銷女性主義作家卡萊爾與她助理卡洛琳的接觸中,發現了劍橋謀殺案的線索後,便極力懇求林莉讓她追查此案。本書作者  Elizabeth George 用超凡的技巧,巧妙勾勒出林莉和芭芭拉面臨壓力的處境,讓整篇故事充滿驚奇、緊張與懸疑。

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