The Island of Dr. Libris (Ages 8-12) | 拾書所

The Island of Dr. Libris (Ages 8-12)

$ 280 元 原價 280

What if your favorite characters came to life? Billy’s spending the summer in a lakeside cabin that belongs to the mysterious Dr. Libris. But something strange is going on. Besides the security cameras everywhere, there’s Dr. Libris’s private bookcase. Whenever Billy opens the books inside, he can hear sounds coming from the island in the middle of the lake. The clash of swords. The twang of arrows. Sometimes he can even feel the ground shaking. It’s almost as if the stories he’s reading are coming to life! But that’s impossible . . . isn’t it? Look for brand-new BONUS material in the paperback, including a GALLERY of literary characters, a discussion guide, a behind-the-scenes look at Chris’s process, and more!

自己最愛的故事人物成為真人會是什麼情景呢?整個夏天,比利都住在一間河邊小屋中,小屋主人是神祕的利伯斯博士。然而,詭異的事件正在展開。小屋裡到處都是監視器,利伯斯博士的私人書櫃也充滿疑點。每當比利閱讀櫃中的書籍,都能聽見從湖中島傳來的聲音,像是寶劍的撞擊聲,或弓箭的射擊聲,有時甚至能感受到大地的震動。種種跡象都顯示他所閱讀的故事,彷彿有了生命。這是不可能的對吧?平裝版附贈全新內容,包含:書中人物的畫像、討論指南、作者 Chris 的寫作歷程,以及更多其他花絮,等您來一探究竟!

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