Kids’ Classic Readers 1-2 The Ant and the Grasshopper with Hybrid CD/1片 | 拾書所

Kids’ Classic Readers 1-2 The Ant and the Grasshopper with Hybrid CD/1片

$ 155 元 原價 155

Winter is coming. Ant works. She looks for food to save for winter. Grasshopper does not work. He only wants to play and sing. What will Grasshopper do in winter?

Early readers will help their reading skills grow with these simple retellings of well-loved classics.


冬天來了。 螞蟻勤勞的工作,她正為了儲存冬季的食物而努力。蚱蜢一點都不想工作,他只想玩和唱歌。到了冬天蚱蜢會怎麼樣呢?

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