One diagnostic test and three complete SAT Subject Tests in Physics reflect the most recent actual tests in length, subject matter, and degree of difficulty. All questions are answered and explained.
Self-assessment guides after each test can help improve the test-taker’s score. An extensive subject review covers all topics on the SAT Subject Test, including mechanics, electricity and magnetism, waves and optics, thermodynamics, and more.
Unique features include a “What’s the Trick?” approach to solving problems quickly and effectively. Added tips, called out with “If You See…” are included within the chapters to give test takers critical insight into difficult concepts, and QR codes are provided at “Key Concept” areas link to short videos to enhance instruction. Each chapter is followed by several review questions with answers and explanations.
The authors also provide general examination strategies and a detailed appendix with equations, physical constants, and a basic math review.
本書含 1 回診斷測驗及 3 回全真 SAT 物理學科模擬測驗,完全比照最新考試的篇幅長度、主題及難易度,所有試題均附詳解。
考生可利用自我評量表,檢視學習狀況,藉以提升成績。完整的 SAT 物理學科總複習包括力學、電磁學、波光學及熱力學等。
本書獨家傳授快速解題技巧,幫助考生迅速有效地解題;提供每章節「關鍵字」密技,幫助考生理解複雜的概念,解說重要觀念時提供 QR code,讓考生能藉由短片教學提升學習品質。每章節結尾皆含複習題與詳解。