★ 李貞慧《繪本100+輕鬆打造英語文法力》推薦書單
One day, Vincent's mother asks him to go to the store to pick up a few items: "a bunch of carrots, a box of rice, some China tea, a big, firm pear, and a tin of peas" to be precise. "And hurry home in time for tea!" she says.
Sounds easy enough. Yet distractions are at every turn, causing havoc with Vincent's memory. All of a sudden, a tin of peas is replaced by a trapeze; a big, firm pear becomes a big furry bear; and a box of rice transforms into a box of mice!
Needless to say, Vincent's mother is in for quite a surprise.
Told with a playful rhythm for reading aloud and illustrated with exuberance and great child appeal, this humorous picture book will have kids laughing and asking for repeated readings.
有一天,文森的媽媽叫他到店裡去買一些東西:「一捆胡蘿蔔、一盒米飯 、一些中國茶、 一顆又大又硬的梨子和一罐豌豆。」媽媽仔細叮嚀著,她還說:「要趕快回家喝茶喔!」
這項任務聽起來很容易,然而文森總是分心,把媽媽的話忘得一乾二凈。轉眼之間,豌豆換成了空中飛人;又大又硬的梨子換成了毛茸茸的大熊; 一盒米飯換成了一盒老鼠!
Age Range: 3 - 7 years