You Only Have to Be Right Once 只要做對一次 | 拾書所

You Only Have to Be Right Once 只要做對一次

$ 595 元 原價 595





我們用Facebook定義朋友、在Instagram記錄感動片刻、靠Dropbox隨時隨地分享重要檔案,我們目睹Airbnb、SpaceX、Oculus VR挑戰以往的不可能,描繪未來全球經濟。




Silicon Valley’s newest billionaires represent a unique and unconventional breed of entrepreneur: young, bold, and taking the world by storm with their extreme speed, insatiable hunger, and progressive leadership. They are all turning just one brilliant insight or hook into money at a rate never before seen in human history—creating companies that, even with no revenue, garner insane valuations. With unique insider access to the world’s most influential and wealthy entrepreneurs, Forbes has dug in to find what these superentrepreneurs say about their own success. This book, introduced, edited, and updated by Forbes editor Randall Lane, is the first comprehensive look at who these instant tech billion­aires are and how they achieved their quick wins.

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