Barron's TOEFL iBT with CD-ROM and MP3 audio CDs, 15th Edition | 拾書所

Barron's TOEFL iBT with CD-ROM and MP3 audio CDs, 15th Edition

$ 1,400 元 原價 1,400

Barron's TOEFL iBT with CD-ROM and MP3 audio CDs 第十五版為市面上最新的托福 iBT 測驗應戰手冊。


▍托福 iBT 測驗形式總覽。


▍學業技巧複習,包括 筆記技巧、釋義、摘要以及整合能力等技巧。


1.書加兩片 MP3 光碟版
2.書加兩片 MP3 光碟與唯讀記憶光碟版

唯讀記憶光碟版額外附贈一回托福練習試題,模擬考場實況。MP3 光碟則含手冊中聽說寫練習題的語音提示。


The most up-to-date TOEFL test prep manual on the market, the fifteenth edition of Barron's TOEFL iBT is available in options that include a book with two MP3 CDs or book with two MP3 CDs and CD ROM.

The manual presents

--- A general overview of the TOEFL Ibt
--- Seven model TOEFL iBT tests with answer explanations and sample writing and speaking responses
--- A review of required academic skills, including note taking, paraphrasing, summarizing, and synthesizing
--- A review of language skills, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English

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