Blue (PAPERBACK) | 拾書所


$ 315 元 原價 315

Ginny Carter was once a rising star in TV news, married to a top anchorman, with a three-year-old son and a full and happy life in Beverly Hills—until her whole world dissolved in a single instant on the freeway two days before Christmas. In the aftermath, she pieces her life back together and tries to find meaning in her existence as a human rights worker in the worst areas around the globe. Then, on the anniversary of the fateful accident—and wrestling with the lure of death herself—she meets a boy who will cause her life to change forever yet again. Thirteen-year-old Blue Williams has been living on the streets, abandoned by his family, rarely attending school, and utterly alone. Following her instincts, Ginny reaches out to him. Leery of everyone, he runs from her again and again. But he always returns, and each time, their friendship grows. Blue glows with outsized spirit and an irresistible mix of innocence and wisdom beyond his years. Ginny offers him respect as they form an unusual bond and become the family they each lost. But just as Blue is truly beginning to trust her, she learns of a shocking betrayal that he has been hiding. Is it a wound too deep to heal, or will she be able to fight the battle that will make them both whole again? Blue is #1 New York Times bestselling author Danielle Steel at her finest, a probing and emotionally gripping story of dark secrets revealed, second chances, and the power of love and courage to overcome life’s greatest challenges.

金妮.卡特曾是新聞界的明日之星,與名主播婚後育有一個 3 歲的兒子,一家人在加州比佛利山過著幸福美滿的生活。直到耶誕節前兩天,一場高速公路車禍摧毀了她的美好人生。事後她努力想拼湊回生活,並在世界最險惡的地區為人權發聲,試圖找尋活著的意義,在金妮正與尋死的念頭搏鬥時,在一次追思會上遇見了一個將再次改變她一生的男孩。13 歲的布魯.威廉斯從小被家人遺棄,沒受過什麼教育,流落街頭,無依無靠。金妮下意識地對他釋出關懷。然而,布魯戒心很重,一次又一次躲避金妮,但最後還是會回到街上。一次又一次的相遇讓他們的關係越來越好。布魯散發出非凡的氣度與超齡的智慧,讓金妮對布魯待以尊重,他們之間形成了特別的連結,彌補了彼此家庭破碎的缺口。然而,就在布魯終於對金妮敞開心房時,金妮卻發現深藏在布魯內心深處的背叛。那會成為無法抹去的傷痕,還是金妮會極力克服難關讓他們彼此的生命再度圓滿呢?

《紐約時報》暢銷作家丹妮爾.斯蒂爾(Danielle Steel)透過極為細膩的文字,深刻動人地描繪黑暗秘密的揭露、重獲新生及度過難關的勇氣與愛。



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