The Lines on Nana's Face 奶奶臉上的皺紋 | 拾書所

The Lines on Nana's Face 奶奶臉上的皺紋

$ 675 元 原價 675

★ 李貞慧《不要小看我》推薦繪本

It's granny's birthday, but her little granddaughter wonders why, because of the lines on her face, she looks so worried! But they are simply wrinkles, and grandma is very fond of her lines because they are where she keeps her memories. In this imaginative and charming story, Simona Ciraolo turns the lines from old age into little wrinkles of wonder and memory as a little girl learns all about the precious moments in her grandma's life.

今天是奶奶的生日,但是小孫女想知道為什麼奶奶臉上的皺紋讓她看起來愁容滿面。 但奶奶其實並不介意這幾條皺紋,而且還很喜歡它們,因為奶奶把回憶都保存在這些皺紋裡。在這篇可愛又充滿想像力的故事中,西蒙娜.希洛羅 將歲月留下的皺紋轉換成小小驚奇及存放寶貴記憶的地方,小孫女因而了解奶奶一生中每一個珍貴的時刻。

 Age Range: 5 years + 

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