入圍2017年第89屆奧斯卡金像獎〈最佳影片Best Picture〉、〈最佳改編劇本 Adapted Screenplay〉、〈最佳男主角Actor in a leading role〉、〈最佳女配角Actress in a supporting role〉四大獎項。
★ 奧斯卡影帝、金球獎「終身成就」的丹佐‧華盛頓(Denzel Washington)執導、主演最新作品。
★ 電影配樂由巴西籍的馬塞洛‧札佛斯(Marcelo Zarvos)全權操刀。
★ 同時回味爵士女伶Dinah Washington、福音靈魂聖手Reverend James Cleveland、跨界爵士樂傳奇金嗓歌王Little Jimmy Scott經典金曲。
改編已故美國劇作家奧格斯特‧威爾森(August Wilson)同名作品,曾獲得普利茲獎「最佳戲劇」以及東尼獎「最佳劇本」的《藩籬Fences》,由奧斯卡影帝、金球獎「終身成就」的丹佐‧華盛頓(Denzel Washington)執導、主演最新作品,將於2016年的聖誕節檔期於美國正式上映。
背景設定在1950年代的美國匹茲堡,劇情描述一名非裔美籍的父親Troy Maxson,在擔任垃圾清潔人員,努力替家庭賣命賺錢的同時,也在對抗當時延伸出的種族意識問題,並成為影響他人生的重要事件。除了丹佐擔綱男主角Troy之外,邀請分別以《誘‧惑》和《姊妹》兩度提名奧斯卡獎,時代雜誌評選「百大人物」之一,憑著電視劇《謀殺入門課》獲得艾美獎「劇情類最佳女主角」獎,成為首次獲得此獎的非裔女演員的薇拉‧戴維斯(Viola Davis)飾演妻子Rose角色。丹佐和薇拉早在2010年的舞台劇重演版中詮釋過一樣的角色,並且雙獲該年度的東尼獎最佳男、女主角喝采,此回兩人再度合作,演來特別得心應手。
演員: 《絕地7騎士》丹佐華盛頓、《自殺突擊隊》薇拉戴維絲
Now a Major Motion Picture directed by Denzel Washington, and starring Denzel Washington and Viola Davis (winner of Best Supporting Actress Golden Globe for her role) Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Drama and the Tony Award for Best Play "In his work, Mr. Wilson depicted the struggles of black Americans with uncommon lyrical richness, theatrical density and emotional heft, in plays that give vivid voices to people on the frayed margins of life." The New York Times From legendary playwright August Wilson, the powerful, stunning dramatic work that won him critical acclaim, including the Tony Award for Best Play and the Pulitzer Prize. Troy Maxson is a strong man, a hard man. He has had to be to survive. Troy Maxson has gone through life in an America where to be proud and black is to face pressures that could crush a man, body and soul. But the 1950s are yielding to the new spirit of liberation in the 1960s, a spirit that is changing the world Troy Maxson has learned to deal with the only way he can, a spirit that is making him a stranger, angry and afraid, in a world he never knew and to a wife and son he understands less and less. Denzel Washington s film adaptation received nominations for awards from the African-American Film Critics Association, American Film Institute, Critics' Choice Movie Awards, Golden Globe Awards, and NAACP Image Awards, among others.
★ 奧斯卡影帝、金球獎「終身成就」的丹佐‧華盛頓(Denzel Washington)執導、主演最新作品。
★ 電影配樂由巴西籍的馬塞洛‧札佛斯(Marcelo Zarvos)全權操刀。
★ 同時回味爵士女伶Dinah Washington、福音靈魂聖手Reverend James Cleveland、跨界爵士樂傳奇金嗓歌王Little Jimmy Scott經典金曲。
改編已故美國劇作家奧格斯特‧威爾森(August Wilson)同名作品,曾獲得普利茲獎「最佳戲劇」以及東尼獎「最佳劇本」的《藩籬Fences》,由奧斯卡影帝、金球獎「終身成就」的丹佐‧華盛頓(Denzel Washington)執導、主演最新作品,將於2016年的聖誕節檔期於美國正式上映。
背景設定在1950年代的美國匹茲堡,劇情描述一名非裔美籍的父親Troy Maxson,在擔任垃圾清潔人員,努力替家庭賣命賺錢的同時,也在對抗當時延伸出的種族意識問題,並成為影響他人生的重要事件。除了丹佐擔綱男主角Troy之外,邀請分別以《誘‧惑》和《姊妹》兩度提名奧斯卡獎,時代雜誌評選「百大人物」之一,憑著電視劇《謀殺入門課》獲得艾美獎「劇情類最佳女主角」獎,成為首次獲得此獎的非裔女演員的薇拉‧戴維斯(Viola Davis)飾演妻子Rose角色。丹佐和薇拉早在2010年的舞台劇重演版中詮釋過一樣的角色,並且雙獲該年度的東尼獎最佳男、女主角喝采,此回兩人再度合作,演來特別得心應手。
演員: 《絕地7騎士》丹佐華盛頓、《自殺突擊隊》薇拉戴維絲
Now a Major Motion Picture directed by Denzel Washington, and starring Denzel Washington and Viola Davis (winner of Best Supporting Actress Golden Globe for her role) Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Drama and the Tony Award for Best Play "In his work, Mr. Wilson depicted the struggles of black Americans with uncommon lyrical richness, theatrical density and emotional heft, in plays that give vivid voices to people on the frayed margins of life." The New York Times From legendary playwright August Wilson, the powerful, stunning dramatic work that won him critical acclaim, including the Tony Award for Best Play and the Pulitzer Prize. Troy Maxson is a strong man, a hard man. He has had to be to survive. Troy Maxson has gone through life in an America where to be proud and black is to face pressures that could crush a man, body and soul. But the 1950s are yielding to the new spirit of liberation in the 1960s, a spirit that is changing the world Troy Maxson has learned to deal with the only way he can, a spirit that is making him a stranger, angry and afraid, in a world he never knew and to a wife and son he understands less and less. Denzel Washington s film adaptation received nominations for awards from the African-American Film Critics Association, American Film Institute, Critics' Choice Movie Awards, Golden Globe Awards, and NAACP Image Awards, among others.