With suspects aplenty, Stone must probe deep into his client’s life to find the truth, and he discovers that the heart of the mystery may be a famous missing piece of history, a stunningly beautiful vestige of a bygone era. It’s a piece with a long and storied past and untold value . . . the kind of relic someone might kill to obtain. Among the upper crust nearly everyone has buried a skeleton or two, and it will take all of Stone’s investigative powers to determine whose secrets are harmless, and whose are deadly.
由於嫌疑人眾多,史東必須深入調查他客戶的生活,才能找出真相,他發現,謎團的核心可能是一個消失的知名歷史片段,一個久遠時代所留下的美麗遺產。這是一段悠久、廣為流傳的歷史,隱藏著龐大的價值……有人們 為了得到這個遺產,即便殺戮也在所不惜,幾乎所有上流階級的人都有一些不可告人的祕密。 史東必須使出渾身解數,查明哪些秘密是無害,哪些是致命的。