The Road to Ruin | 拾書所

The Road to Ruin

$ 630 元 原價 630

A drumbeat is sounding among the global elites. The signs of a worldwide financial meltdown are unmistakable. This time, the elites have an audacious plan to protect themselves from the fallout: hoarding cash now and locking down the global financial system when a crisis hits. Since 2014, international monetary agencies have been issuing warnings to a small group of finance ministers, banks, and private equity funds: the U.S. government’s cowardly choices not to prosecute J.P. Morgan and its ilk, and to bloat the economy with a $4 trillion injection of easy credit, are driving us headlong toward a cliff.

As Rickards shows in this frightening, meticulously researched book, governments around the world have no compunction about conspiring against their citizens. They will have stockpiled hard assets when stock exchanges are closed, ATMs shut down, money market funds frozen, asset managers instructed not to sell securities, negative interest rates imposed, and cash withdrawals denied.

If you want to plan for the risks ahead, you will need Rickards’s cutting-edge synthesis of behavioral economics, history, and complexity theory. It’s a guidebook to thinking smarter, acting faster, and living with the comfort­ing knowledge that your wealth is secure.

The global elites don’t want this book to exist. Their plan to herd us like sheep to the slaughter when a global crisis erupts—and, of course, to maintain their wealth—works only if we remain complacent and unaware. Thanks to The Road to Ruin, we don’t need to be.

一記警鐘在世界菁英心中敲響,意味著全球金融崩盤勢必到來。但為了避開這波衝擊,菁英們這次有了萬全的計畫:大量囤積現金、鎖住全球金融系統,來面對金融危機的襲擊。2014 年起,許多國際貨幣機構不斷警告少數的財政部長、銀行和私募基金,但美國政府不敢輕易起訴諸如摩根大通的私募基金公司,還放寬信貸,挹注4兆美元資金活絡經濟,但此舉卻是把美國推向財政懸崖。




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