ELi Teen Readers Pack 1: Pollyanna (with CD) | 拾書所

ELi Teen Readers Pack 1: Pollyanna (with CD)

$ 230 元 原價 230

Pollyanna is eleven when she comes to live with her Aunt Polly, after her father dies. Life isn’t easy for Pollyanna.Her aunt is a difficult, cold woman and everyone in this small, American town is sad! But Pollyanna is good at making friends, and she always finds something to be happy about. Soon the people in the town start to change until there is only one person who doesn’t know how to be happy.

11歲時,Pollyanna的父親過世後,她便與姑姑住在一起。對Pollyanna來說, 生活是相當不容易的。她的姑姑是位尖酸刻薄、冷血的婦人,此外,居住在這小小美國城鎮的人民都是不快樂的。不過,Pollyanna善於交友且總是能找到許多樂子。很快地,城鎮裡的人漸漸都快樂了起來。然而還是有個人不知道如何快樂……

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