The Happiness Equation 快樂是可以練習的 | 拾書所

The Happiness Equation 快樂是可以練習的

$ 442 元 原價 560






* 三次快走
* 二十分鐘重溫過往
* 隨手行善
* 完全放空
* 達到忘我境界
* 兩分鐘冥想
* 記下五項令人感激的事物


* 老師比哈佛企管碩士賺的錢還多,到底是怎麼辦到的?
* 阻絕批評的簡單字訣
* 如何減少選項、得到更多的選擇機會
* 健康百歲人瑞教導我們有關退休的事
* 只要一個小小的改變,就能讓你的每日作息多增加一小時的時間
* 許多億萬富豪何其想望卻遙不可得的一件事
* 如何縮減一半的時間做出每一項決策

* 為什麼成功無法通往幸福
* 如何賺贏比你學歷更好的人
* 你只有一個腦袋,一次只能專心對付一件事。
* 如何刪除多餘的選項而獲取更多選擇

* 在幸福過生活之前的基本功課
* 學好這一招,再也不會被批評所傷害
* 過苦日子時能讓你翻身的簡單字訣
* 大家都很哈但其實卻錯得離譜的夢想
* 比哈佛企管碩士還會賺錢的方法
* 不再忙過頭的秘訣
* 如何將最深沉的恐懼轉化為最了不起的成就
* 掌握最重要人際關係的簡單之道
* 你一生中前所未見的最寶貴建議

What is the formula for a happy life? Neil Pasricha is a Harvard MBA, a New York Times–bestselling author, a Walmart executive, a father, a husband. After selling more than a million copies of the Book of Awesome series, wherein he observed the everyday things he thought were awesome, he now shifts his focus to the practicalities of living an awesome life.

In his new book The Happiness Equation, Pasricha illustrates how to want nothing and do anything in order to have everything. If that sounds like a contradiction in terms, you simply have yet to unlock the 9 Secrets to Happiness.

Each secret takes a piece out of the core of common sense, turns it on its head to present it in a completely new light, and then provides practical and specific guidelines for how to apply this new outlook to lead a fulfilling life.

Once you've unlocked Pasricha’s 9 Secrets, you will understand counterintuitive concepts such as: Success Does Not Lead to Happiness, Never Take Advice, and Retirement Is a Broken Theory.

You will learn and then master three brand-new fundamental life tests: the Saturday Morning Test, The Bench Test, and the Five People Test.

You will know the difference between external goals and internal goals and how to make more money than a Harvard MBA (hint: it has nothing to do with your annual salary).

You will discover that true wealth has nothing to do with money, multitasking is a myth, and the elimination of options leads to more choice.

The Happiness Equation is a book that will change how you think about pretty much everything—your time, your career, your relationships, your family, and, ultimately, of course, your happiness.

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