Where Is the Taj Mahal? 泰姬瑪哈陵 | 拾書所

Where Is the Taj Mahal? 泰姬瑪哈陵

$ 210 元 原價 210
Which of these facts are true?
It’s not a palace but a tomb
Precious and semiprecious jewels decorate its walls
Its white marble seems to shimmer in moonlight and shine in sunlight
Learn about the love story behind the creation of one of the most beautiful and famous buildings in the world.
The Taj Mahal may look like a palace, but it’s actually a tomb and a lasting testament to one of the world’s great love stories. In 1612, Mogul emperor Shah Jahan married Mumtaz Mahal. It had been love at first sight and for nineteen years they were so inseparable that Mumtaz even accompanied Shah Jahan to battlefields. When she died suddenly giving birth to their fourteenth child, the emperor set about building a magnificent memorial to his wife. Everything about the Taj was perfectly planned, from the white marble walls that shimmer in the sunlight and sparkle by moonlight, to the countless decorative flowers made from precious gems that still astound visitors today. Recent discoveries at the site make this a timely account of a timeless monument.

泰姬瑪哈陵看起來像座宮殿,但它其實是一座陵寢,見證一則偉大的愛情故事。西元 1612 年,蒙兀兒王朝的皇帝沙迦罕娶了慕塔芝瑪哈。

他們一見鍾情,情牽 19 年形影不離,慕塔芝瑪哈甚至追隨沙迦罕上過戰場。在她為了生產他們的第 14 個孩子而難產過世後,皇帝便建了這棟雄偉的建築紀念愛妻。


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