Moving Up: Listening and Conversation 1 Student Book, 2/e (附MP3) | 拾書所

Moving Up: Listening and Conversation 1 Student Book, 2/e (附MP3)

$ 380 元 原價 380

Moving Up: Listening and Conversation 2nd edition is a updated listening and speaking course designed to improve students’ fluency in and understanding of the English language.

Moving Up: Listening and Conversation 2nd edition is designed for students to use English language skills in real-life contexts. Listening exercises give practice in listening skills and introduce students to new vocabulary and expressions. Then, speaking exercises develop students’ English language skills and build their confidence in spoken English.

Main Features
●Simple structures and vocabulary
●Short, easy-to-understand dialogues
●Varied, real-life listening tasks
●Extensive, functional oral practice
●Integrated listening activities
●Four review units for progress checks
●Conversation book

●Teacher’s Guide: Tapescript and teaching suggestions
●MP3: Clear English with natural everyday intonation

A1-2 國中以上~科大會話聽力
配備:Audio MP3、Teacher’s Guide、Review Test 四回

Moving Up是專為提升學生聽說能力而設計,有效增進學生英語流暢程度;第一版暢銷近十年,改版後的內容更為活潑生動,貼近學生生活,引起學習興趣。



●四回 Review Test確認學習進度

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