In Other Words 另一種語言 | 拾書所

In Other Words 另一種語言

$ 440 元 原價 440


 《另一種語言》獲維亞雷吉歐-維西利亞國際獎(Premio Internazionale Viareggio-Versilia)。
★ 《另一種語言》收錄兩篇鍾芭‧拉希莉以義大利文創作的短篇小說。





On a post-college visit to Florence, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jhumpa Lahiri fell in love with the Italian language. Twenty years later, seeking total immersion, she and her family relocated to Rome, where she began to read and write solely in her adopted tongue. A startling act of self-reflection, In Other Words is Lahiri’s meditation on the process of learning to express herself in another language—and the stunning journey of a writer seeking a new voice.

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