Who Is Sonia Sotomayor? 索尼婭.索托馬約爾 | 拾書所

Who Is Sonia Sotomayor? 索尼婭.索托馬約爾

$ 210 元 原價 210
Outspoken, energetic, and fun, Sonia Sotomayor has managed to turn every struggle in life into a triumph. Born in the Bronx to immigrant parents from Puerto Rico, Sonia found out at age nine that she had diabetes, a serious illness now but an even more dangerous one fifty years ago. How did young Sonia handle the devastating news? She learned to give herself her daily insulin shots and became determined to make the most out of her life. It was the popular sixties TV show Perry Mason that made Sonia want to become a lawyer. Not only a lawyer, but a judge! Her remarkable career was capped in 2009 when President Barack Obama nominated her to the Supreme Court, only the third woman and first Hispanic justice in the court's history. Stories of Sotomayor's career are hardly dry legal stuff—she once hopped on a motorcycle to chase down counterfeiters and was the judge whose ruling ended the Major League baseball strike in 1995.

直率、充滿活力及個性風趣的索尼婭•索托馬約爾,是一位曾將自己生命中每個困難化險為夷的人,索尼婭出生於美國紐約州的布朗克斯貧民窟,父母是來自波多黎各的移民,在索尼婭9歲時,她被診斷患有先天糖尿病,在五十年前,是比現在更嚴重的疾病。小索尼婭是怎麼承受如此令人震驚的消息呢? 她從小學習如何每天幫自己施打胰島素,且學習為她自己的人生做決定。受到當時美國60年代電視節目《Perry Mason》的啟發,索尼婭想成為一位律師,不僅想成為律師,她更想當一位法官!她的職業生涯在2009年達到高峰,她被當時的美國總統歐巴馬提名為聯邦最高法院大法官,成為了美國法庭史上第三位女性大法官,同時也是首位拉丁裔大法官。

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