Life on Mars (精裝版) 我的火星探險 | 拾書所

Life on Mars (精裝版) 我的火星探險

$ 630 元 原價 630

★ 李貞慧《親子大手拉小手,跟著繪本快樂學英文》推薦繪本
★ 紐約時報年度傑出圖畫書獎、號角雜誌年度好書銀牌獎 
★ 美國學校圖書館期刊最佳童書、美國圖書館協會年度最佳圖畫書
★ 美國出版人周刊最佳童書、洛杉磯時報年度最佳圖書

A young astronaut is absolutely sure there is life to be found on Mars. He sets off on a solitary mission, determined to prove the naysayers wrong. But when he arrives, equipped with a package of cupcakes as a gift, he sees nothing but a nearly barren planet. Finally, he spies a single flower and packs it away to take back to Earth as proof that there is indeed life on Mars. But as he settles in for the journey home, he cracks open his cupcakes—only to discover that someone has eaten them all!

Readers will love being in on the secret: Unbeknownst to the explorer, a Martian has been wandering through the illustrations the whole time—and he got himself a delicious snack along the way.


一位年輕的小太空人相信在火星上絕對可以找到生命。他開始執行一項單獨的任務,決心證明反對者是錯誤的。但當他到達時,他準備了一盒杯子蛋糕作為禮物,當他看著火星上一望無際的岩石和沙礫。他開始懷疑自己的想法可能是錯的…幸好,在他決定返回地球時,竟然發現了一朵生長在岩石上的小花!他開心極了,這朵小花證明他一直是對的。但是當他安頓回家的路上時,他打開了他的杯子蛋糕 - 發現 有人吃過它們!

讀者一定會喜歡上這個秘密:在小太空人不知情的情況下, 火星生物一直跟在他身邊。小太空人和喜歡甜點的火星生物,他們會相遇嗎?



Age Range: 4 - 8 years

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