Who Was Lucille Ball? 露西兒.鮑爾 | 拾書所

Who Was Lucille Ball? 露西兒.鮑爾

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Much like her hit TV show, I Love Lucy, Americans in the 1950s fell in love with Lucy. Born in New York in 1911, Lucille Ball was always a natural performer. She danced in the chorus of Broadway shows and acted in small parts in Hollywood movies. But Ball's true gift was comedy.

She found a way to showcase her gifts in 1951 when CBS gave her the chance to star in a sitcom. She based the show on her life and called it I Love Lucy.

Over sixty years later, it is still one of the most loved television shows of all time. Lucille Ball became the first woman to run a major television studio, Desilu, and her comedic genius has kept people laughing for generations.

就像 50 年代當紅的節目《我愛露西》一樣,當時的美國人都愛上了露西。1911 年出生於紐約的露西兒.鮑爾是個天生的表演家。她在百老匯的合唱表演中跳舞,並在好萊塢電影中扮演配角,但是鮑爾真正的天賦是演喜劇。

1951 年時 CBS 廣播公司給她機會演出情境喜劇,讓她就此找到能夠展現天賦的方法。她以自己的生活作為節目內容,並稱為《我愛露西》。


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