Down Comes the Rain | 拾書所

Down Comes the Rain

$ 245 元 原價 245

Read and find out about the ups and downpours of the water cycle! With colorful illustrations and engaging text, Down Comes the Rain is a fascinating look into the stages of the water cycle. After rain comes down, the sun comes out and dries the puddles. But the water isn’t gone. The heat from the sun has turned it into water vapor—it has evaporated. Eventually, this moisture in the air condenses to form new clouds. Soon the rain will fall again.

Featuring rich vocabulary bolded throughout the text, this brand-new edition of Franklyn M. Branley's 1997 title includes original illustrations by Mary Ann Fraser. This book also includes a glossary and a find out more section with an activity about the water cycle. Both the text and the artwork were newly vetted for accuracy by Don W. Hen and Dr. Sonia M Kreidenweis, Professor of Atmospheric Science at Colorado State University.


閱讀並瞭解水循環的上升和傾盆而下! 色彩豐富的插圖和引人入勝的文字,Down Comes the Rain《下雨了》是對水循環各個階段有趣的觀察。下雨後,太陽出來把水坑弄乾了。但是水沒有流失。太陽產生的熱量將其轉化為水蒸氣—蒸發了。最終,空氣中的水分凝結形成新的雲。不久,雨會再次落下。
弗蘭克林·布蘭利(Franklyn M. Branley)於1997年出版的最新版書以豐富的詞彙貫穿全文為特色,其中包括瑪麗·安·弗雷澤(Mary Ann Fraser)的原創插圖。本書還包括詞彙表和更多有關水循環活動的內容。羅拉多州立大學大氣科學教授Don W. Hen和Dr. Sonia M Kreidenweis對文本和美術插畫近期做了正確性審查。


Age Range: 4 - 8 years

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