The White Princess (Media Tie-In) | 拾書所

The White Princess (Media Tie-In)

$ 315 元 原價 315

When Henry Tudor picks up the crown of England from the mud of Bosworth field, he knows he must marry the princess of the enemy house—Elizabeth of York—to unify a country divided by war for more than three decades. But his bride is still in love with his dead enemy, and her mother and half of England remain loyal to her brother, the missing York heir. Henry’s greatest fear is that somewhere a prince is waiting to reclaim the throne. When a young man who would be king invades England, Elizabeth has to choose between the new husband she is coming to love and the boy who claims to be her lost brother: the rose of York come home at last.

從亨利.都鐸走出博斯沃思平原的泥地、繼承英格蘭的王位後,就知道必須與敵對家族聯姻,迎娶約克的公主伊莉莎白,如此一來才能結束長達三十餘年的戰爭,統一整個英格蘭。但是,伊莉莎白仍愛著被亨利殲滅的死敵 ,且她的母親與半數英格蘭人依舊效忠伊莉莎白的弟弟,也就是仍下落不明的約克家族繼承人,亨利也深怕約克家族的王子說不定哪天會從他手中奪回王位。若這名應繼承王位的年輕人決心攻打英格蘭,伊莉莎白將左右為難,一方是自己即將新婚心愛的丈夫,另一方是自稱是她失蹤弟弟的男孩:約克的白玫瑰最後終於回歸家族。

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