Theodore Boone: The Scandal (Ages 8-12) | 拾書所

Theodore Boone: The Scandal (Ages 8-12)

$ 280 元 原價 280

Thirteen-year-old Theodore Boone knows every judge, police officer, and court clerk in Strattenburg. He has even helped bring a fugitive to justice. But even a future star lawyer like Theo has to deal with statewide standardized testing. When an anonymous tip leads the school board to investigate a suspicious increase in scores at another local middle school, Theo finds himself thrust in the middle of a cheating scandal. With insider knowledge and his future on the line, Theo must follow his keen instincts to do what’s right in the newest case for clever kid lawyer Theo Boone.

13 歲的西奧.布恩熟識斯托騰堡市的每位法官、警察和書記官,甚至曾讓一名逃犯伏法。但即使是像西奧這樣的明日之星,仍須通過全國標準統一考試。正當學校董事會收到匿名通報而開始調查另一間地方中學學生分數異常增加時,西奧發現自己也身陷作弊醜聞之中。西奧知道內情,且可能因此丟掉自己的未來,聰明小律師西奧必須用他敏銳的直覺,在最新案件中做出正確的判斷。

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