The Pier Falls: And Other Stories | 拾書所

The Pier Falls: And Other Stories

$ 595 元 原價 595

The stories that make up The Pier Falls take many forms—Victorian adventure, science fiction, morality tale, contemporary realism—but they are united by the talent and empathy that have made Mark Haddon a household name. Lyrical and uncompromising, these tales span from England to Mars, ancient Greece to the deepest Amazon. Drawing inventively from history, myth, folklore, and modern life, The Pier Falls reveals a previously unseen side of the celebrated author.

本書集結的故事以多種面貌呈現,如維多利亞的冒險、科幻小說、道德故事及當代現實主義,作者馬克.哈登用他過人的天賦及深刻的同理心,將這些故事主題串起來,此般手法讓他成為家喻戶曉的作家。本書故事以抒情風格撰寫,一絲不苟,內容包羅萬象, 場景從英國遊歷遠至火星,古希臘至雅馬遜深處。本書取材自歷史、神話、民俗與現代生活,帶您一窺這位名作家以往未曾展露的一面。

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