Door to Door 超負荷時代:即將崩潰的流通世界 | 拾書所

Door to Door 超負荷時代:即將崩潰的流通世界

$ 470 元 原價 595

比擬《寂靜的春天》和《雜食者的兩難》,《超負荷時代》理出了人類文化中的問題。本書作者不懈怠地展示了龐大的數字與驚人的事實,井然有序、理由充分的論述與洞見,也許將撼動世界運輸這艘超負荷的大船。── Mary Roach, the New York Times Book Review







要耗費多少努力才能四處移動我們的身軀與東西。如同本書所闡述的,我們可以做得更好!作者以這個世界的汽車文化為核心,娓娓道出迷人的故事。──比爾.麥奇本(Bill McKibben),《在地的幸福經濟》(Deep Economy)作者
休姆斯帶領讀者進行一場百萬英里之旅,橫越公共政策、大型企業與各個社區的交叉口,最終抵達家中廚房的工作台。他檢視了整體系統,揭示我們以消費者為導向且隔日交付的經濟所造成的真正衝擊,以及(缺乏)將這個系統連結的基礎設施。若想了解與解決當前最嚴重的社會問題,務必熟讀這本《超負荷時代:即將崩潰的流通世界》。──羅伯.柯普朗(Rob Kaplan),閉環基金(Closed Loop Fund)共同創辦人與經理,以及沃爾瑪前任永續發展總監。
艾德華.休姆斯撰寫這部開創性作品來召告大眾:倘若我們老早展現政治膽量,如今這個世界便可享有快速、可靠與安全無比的運輸工具。希望這部迷人的書籍可以激發早該發生的改變。──塞繆爾.伏洛馬茲(Samuel Fromartz),食品與環境報告網路(Food & Environment Reporting Network)主編,以及《尋找完美麵包》(In Search of the Perfect Loaf)的作者。
休姆斯引領我們進入龐大的運輸系統,檢視這個系統如何四處移動貨物與人類。我們的世界日益數位化,《超負荷時代:即將崩潰的流通世界》講述支撐世界的巨大實體系統,令人大開眼界。──理查.佛羅里達(Richard Florida),多倫多大學(University of Toronto)與紐約大學(NYU)教授,以及《創意新貴:啟動新新經濟的精英勢力》(The Rise of the Creative Class)作者。

The Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author of Garbology explores the hidden and costly wonders of our buy-it-now, get-it-today world of transportation, revealing the surprising truths, mounting challenges, and logistical magic behind every trip we take and every click we make. Transportation dominates our daily existence. Thousands, even millions, of miles are embedded in everything we do and touch. We live in a door-to-door universe that works so well most Americans are scarcely aware of it. The grand ballet in which we move ourselves and our stuff is equivalent to building the Great Pyramid, the Hoover Dam, and the Empire State Building all in a day. Every day. And yet, in the one highly visible part of the transportation world—the part we drive—we suffer grinding commutes, a violent death every fifteen minutes, a dire injury every twelve seconds, and crumbling infrastructure. Now, the way we move ourselves and our stuff is on the brink of great change, as a new mobility revolution upends the car culture that, for better and worse, built modern America. This unfolding revolution will disrupt lives and global trade, transforming our commutes, our vehicles, our cities, our jobs, and every aspect of culture, commerce, and the environment. We are, quite literally, at a fork in the road, though whether it will lead us to Carmageddon or Carmaheaven has yet to be determined. Using interviews, data and deep exploration of the hidden world of ports, traffic control centers, and the research labs defining our transportation future, acclaimed journalist Edward Humes breaks down the complex movements of humans, goods, and machines as never before, from increasingly car-less citizens to the distance UPS goes to deliver a leopard-printed phone case. Tracking one day in the life of his family in Southern California, Humes uses their commutes, traffic jams, grocery stops, and online shopping excursions as a springboard to explore the paradoxes and challenges inherent in our system. He ultimately makes clear that transportation is one of the few big things we can change—our personal choices do have a profound impact, and that fork in the road is coming up fast. Door to Door is a fascinating detective story, investigating the worldwide cast of supporting characters and technologies that have enabled us to move from here to there—past, present, and future.

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