The Last Star (The 5th Wave #3) 第五波 #3:希望之星 (終部曲) | 拾書所

The Last Star (The 5th Wave #3) 第五波 #3:希望之星 (終部曲)

$ 385 元 原價 385

The enemy is Other. The enemy is us. They’re down here, they’re up there, they’re nowhere. They want the Earth, they want us to have it. They came to wipe us out, they came to save us. But beneath these riddles lies one truth: Cassie has been betrayed. So has Ringer. Zombie. Nugget. And all 7.5 billion people who used to live on our planet. Betrayed first by the Others, and now by ourselves. In these last days, Earth’s remaining survivors will need to decide what’s more important: saving themselves . . . or saving what makes us human.

敵人是它們,不,敵人就藏在我們之中,敵人無處不在、敵人無處可尋。它們的目標是地球,卻又希望我們能保住地球。它們前來剷除人類,卻也是前來拯救人類。然而,在謎團背後只有一個真相:有人背叛了凱西。同樣地,能者、殭屍、納格以及曾經住在地球上的 75 億人,全都被背叛了,起先是被它們背叛,現在卻被自己人給出賣。在這最後的日子裡,地球上僅存的生還者必須抉擇:拯救自己……還是保護僅存的人性。

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