Lady Midnight (The Dark Artifices 1) | 拾書所

Lady Midnight (The Dark Artifices 1)

$ 490 元 原價 490

It’s been five years since the events of City of Heavenly Fire that brought the Shadowhunters to the brink of oblivion. Emma Carstairs is no longer a child in mourning, but a young woman bent on discovering who killed her parents and avenging her losses. Together with her battle partner Julian Blackthorn, Emma must learn to trust her head and her heart as she investigates a demonic plot that stretches across Los Angeles, from the Sunset Strip to the enchanted sea that pounds the beaches of Santa Monica. If only her heart didn’t lead her in treacherous directions… Making things even more complicated, Julian’s brother Mark—who was captured by the faeries five years ago—has been returned as a bargaining chip. The faeries are desperate to find out who is murdering their kind—and they need the Shadowhunters’ help to do it. But time works differently in faerie, so Mark has barely aged and doesn’t recognize his family. Can he ever truly return to them? Will the faeries really allow it? Glitz, glamours, and Shadowhunters abound in this heartrending opening to Cassandra Clare’s Dark Artifices series.

聖火之城事件已過去五年,闇影獵人逐漸為世人所遺忘。艾瑪‧卡爾斯泰不再是抑鬱寡歡的小女孩,而是成為堅強的少女,決心找出殺害父母的兇手,為他們報仇。艾瑪與戰友朱利安‧布萊克索恩針對一項邪惡陰謀展開調查,這項陰謀涉及洛杉磯,範圍從日落大道到風光明媚的聖塔莫尼卡海灘,在調查過程中,艾瑪必須學會信靠自己的智慧與內心。但願艾瑪的內心不會引領她走上歧途……讓事情更加複雜的是,朱利安的哥哥馬克,五年前被精靈抓走,如今被當成談判籌碼放回來。精靈想盡辦法要找出謀害自己同胞的兇手,而他們需要闇影獵人的協助才能辦到。然而,精靈幾乎不受時間的影響,所以五年來馬克沒有變老,回來後已認不得家人。這樣的馬克能否真的回歸家人身邊呢?精靈又是否會放手?精彩奪目的內容與闇影獵人盡在卡珊卓拉•克蕾兒的這本作品中,本書是《Dark Artifices》系列的首部曲。

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