World of Reading Listen Along 1: Marvel Spides-Man (Book+CD) | 拾書所

World of Reading Listen Along 1: Marvel Spides-Man (Book+CD)

$ 280 元 原價 280

Discover how Peter Parker becomes Spider-Man, Stephen Strange becomes Doctor Strange, and how the new Avengers join the team! This World of Reading Level 1 reader bind up features three stories and comes with an accompanying audio CD featuring word-for-word narration of the text.

想知道彼得.帕克如何成為蜘蛛人、史蒂芬.奇異如何搖身一變成為奇異博士、以及新的復仇者成員如何加入團隊嗎?一切盡在本書中!本書為《World of Reading》系列第一級讀本,內含三則漫威故事,隨書贈送完整朗讀光碟。

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