The Emperor's Revenge (The Oregon Files 11) | 拾書所

The Emperor's Revenge (The Oregon Files 11)

$ 315 元 原價 315

When a bank heist during the Monaco Grand Prix decimates the Corporation’s “offshore” account, Juan Cabrillo and the crew of the Oregon find themselves unexpectedly vulnerable. Without his usual financial assets, Juan must trust a woman from his past, an old friend from his days with the CIA, to help him keep his team safe. Together, they’ll face a mysterious hacker with a brutal vendetta. It is only after the hunt begins that the enormity of the plan comes into focus: the bank theft is just the first step in a plot that will result in the deaths of millions and bring the world’s economies to a standstill. The catalyst for the scheme? A stunning document stolen during Napoleon’s disastrous invasion of Russia. But two hundred years later, it may be the thing that brings Europe to its knees.

在摩納哥大獎賽期間,一起銀行竊盜案將公司「境外」帳戶洗劫一空,胡安.卡布里洛和奧勒岡號上的隊員發現自己身陷危險。失去了這些金融資產,胡安必須信靠一位先前在 美國中情局工作時結識的老友,來保護自己及隊員的安全。他們將一起面對一名欲執行可怕復仇計畫的神祕駭客。追查後他們才意識到復仇計畫之龐大,銀行竊案只是第一步,最後可能導致數百萬人死亡,並拖垮世界經濟。而又是什麼催化了這項計畫呢?其實可溯及兩百年前拿破崙攻打俄羅斯的慘烈行動中一份遭竊的驚人文件。兩百年後,這份文件恐怕會摧毀整個歐洲。

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