Thank You for Arguing, Third Edition 說理 | 拾書所

Thank You for Arguing, Third Edition 說理

$ 470 元 原價 595
Amaster class in the art of persuasion, as taught by professors ranging from Bart Simpson to Winston Churchill, newly revised and updated.
The time-tested secrets taught in this book include Cicero’s three-step strategy for moving an audience to action, and Honest Abe’s Shameless Trick for lowering an audience’s expectations. And it’s also replete with contemporary techniques such as politicians’ use of code language to appeal to specfic groups and an eye-opening assortment of persuasive tricks, including the Eddie Haskell Ploy, the Belushi Paradigm, Stalin’s Timing Secret, and the Yoda Technique.
Whether you’re an inveterate lover of language books or just want to win a lot more anger-free arguments on the page, at the podium, or over a beer, Thank You for Arguing is for you. Warm, witty, erudite, and truly enlightening, it not only teaches you how to recognize a paralipsis when you hear it, but also how to wield the weapons of persuasion the next time you really, really, want to get your own way.

阿瑪斯特 (Amaster) 的說服藝術課,教授們授課範圍從巴特•辛普森 (Bart Simpson) 到溫斯頓•邱吉爾 (Winston Churchill),已重新修訂和更新。
這本書中教授歷經考驗的秘密包括西塞羅(Cicero) 推動觀眾行動的三步策略, 以及誠實安倍晉三 (Abe) 降低觀眾期望的無恥把戲。它還充滿了當代的技術, 如政治家使用代碼語言來吸引特定的族群,以及一系列令人大開眼界的說服技巧, 包括埃迪•哈斯爾•普羅伊 (Eddie Haskell Ploy)、貝魯希 (Belushi) 範例、史達林 (Stalin) 的秘密時機和尤達 (Yoda) 技術。
無論你是忠實的語言書籍愛好者,或是只是想在頁面、講台上或暢飲啤酒時贏得更多沒有憤怒的爭論,《謝謝你的爭論》(Thank You for Arguing) 這本書都適合你。溫暖、詼諧、博學、真正具有啟發性,本書不僅教當你聆聽時,如何識別它是一個假省筆法,還會告訴你如何在下次真正地,真正地想要按照自己的方式使用說服武器。(譯者/徐琍沂&劉世明)

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