Nine Women, One Dress | 拾書所

Nine Women, One Dress

$ 560 元 原價 560

Natalie is a Bloomingdale’s salesgirl mooning over her ex-boyfriend; Felicia has been quietly in love with her boss for seventeen years; and Andie is a cynical private detective who specializes in cheating husbands.

For these three women, as well as many others—a young model fresh from Alabama, a Hollywood star making her Broadway debut, an unemployed Brown grad who’s been faking a fabulous life on social media—everything is about to change....and all thanks to the power of one perfect little black dress.

娜塔莉是一名在布盧明代爾工作的女業務,現在正癡癡地想著她前男友。費莉西亞則是和上司密戀 17 年,而安蒂是一位憤世嫉俗、擅長抓姦的私家偵探。


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