The Resourceful Teacher: Activities for Interactive Whiteboards (with CD-ROM) | 拾書所

The Resourceful Teacher: Activities for Interactive Whiteboards (with CD-ROM)

$ 1,400 元 原價 1,400

Activities for Interactive Whiteboards contains 95 stimulating activities to use your interactive whiteboard to the full in your English language class.

Activities for Interactive Whiteboards offers both traditional and innovative ideas that address multiple intelligence approaches to language teaching and cater for all language skills and language levels, from elementary to advanced.

Activities for Interactive Whiteboards is divided into three main sections, Image-based activities, Sound and video-based activities and Text-based activities. A strong emphasis has been placed on promoting learner interaction and active language practice and communication in the classroom.

Activities for Interactive Whiteboards to use with your whiteboard comes with a multimedia CD-ROM containing activities included in the book.

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