The Doldrums | 拾書所

The Doldrums

$ 280 元 原價 280
Have you ever wanted to hold a little piece of the impossible? The Doldrums is an extraordinary debut about friendship, imagination, and the yearning for adventure from author-artist Nicholas Gannon. A modern classic in the making, The Doldrums is for readers of inventive and timeless authors such as Brian Selznick and Lemony Snicket. The paperback edition is exquisitely illustrated throughout with black-and-white artwork.

Archer B. Helmsley wants an adventure. No, he needs an adventure. His grandparents were famous explorers . . . until they got stuck on an iceberg. Now Archer’s mother barely lets him out of the house. As if that would stop a true Helmsley. Archer enlists Adelaide—the girl who, according to rumor, lost her leg to a crocodile—and Oliver—the boy next door—to help him rescue his grandparents. The Doldrums whisks us off on an adventure full of sly humor, incredible detail, and enormous heart.

With approximately twenty full-page pieces of breathtaking black-and-white artwork, as well as spot illustrations, and gorgeous, literary writing, Nicholas Gannon proves himself to be a distinctive new voice with his middle grade debut. Be in it for the limitless imagination. For the characters who capture your heart. For the rich world you’ll want to settle into. But most of all, be in it for the friendship. That, after all, is the true adventure.

你是否曾想過抓住一點點不可能之物?本書為Nicholas Gannon 所著,這位作家兼藝術家,結合友誼、想像力以及對冒險的渴望,寫出的一本經典之作。富有創意想法的作者,如布萊恩.塞茲尼克以及雷蒙尼.史尼奇都是本作的讀者。本作的平裝版以黑白樣式點綴而成。
Nicholas Gannon 以二十多頁黑白相間、嘆為觀止的藝術作品、精湛的插圖以及令人讚嘆的文筆,證明自己在童書初試啼聲的獨一無二。本書能帶領你體會無止盡的想像,角色能深深觸動你心弦,書中世界令人嚮往。但最重要的是友誼,友誼便是書中最真實的冒險。

 Age Range: 8 - 12 years

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