Dominoes (New Edition) Pack Starter: The Great Fire of London (with Audio Download Access Code) | 拾書所

Dominoes (New Edition) Pack Starter: The Great Fire of London (with Audio Download Access Code)

$ 300 元 原價 300
It's London, 1666. It's a hot, dry summer. A small fire starts in a baker's shop in Pudding Lane. Soon the city of London is burning and the fire-fighters can't stop the fire. People are running from their houses down to the River Thames.

But how does the fire begin and who can stop it? What is the King of England doing to help?

1666年倫敦的夏天又熱又乾, 火勢從 普丁巷一家烘焙坊蔓延到整座倫敦市,消防人員根本無從救起。市民從家裡逃走,一路逃到泰晤士河。


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