In the summer of 1910, a race began. A race to be the first man at the South Pole, in Antarctica. Robert Falcon Scott, an Englishman, left London in his ship, the Terra Nova, and began the long journey south. Five days later, another ship also began to travel south. And on this ship was Roald Amundsen, a Norwegian. But Antarctica is the coldest place on earth, and it is a long, hard journey over the ice to the South Pole. Some of the travellers never returned to their homes again. This is the story of Scott and Amundsen, and of one of the most famous and dangerous races in history.
這場競賽在1910年的夏天展開,比的是誰能夠成為第一個到達南極點的人。英國人羅伯特‧法爾肯‧史考特搭乘著「新地號」離開倫敦向南遠航。五天後又有艘船向南航行,要到南極點。在這艘船上的是一位挪威探險家羅爾德‧亞孟森。南極洲是全地球氣候最冷的地方, 要通過南極點上的冰層是件費時又艱困的事。有些人在踏上南極旅程後就再也沒機會回家了。本書敘述史考特與亞孟森的偉大探險,也是史上既知名又危險的競賽之一。