Read and Imagine 6: Hope on Turtle Island (Book Only) | 拾書所

Read and Imagine 6: Hope on Turtle Island (Book Only)

$ 195 元 原價 195
Grandpa has disappeared, and in a notebook he has written one word -HOPE. What does it mean? Why does Clunk bring Ben and
Rosie to Turtle Island? Can they find Grandpa and stop a plan to turn off all the world's electricity?

爺爺消失了,在筆記本上他寫了一個字--HOPE。這是什麼意思呢?為什麼Clunk帶著Ben和Rosie來到Turtle Island?他們能找到爺爺並阻止關閉世界上所有電力的計劃嗎?

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