The Fever Code (The Maze Runner 5: Prequel) 移動迷宮源起:閃焰密碼 | 拾書所

The Fever Code (The Maze Runner 5: Prequel) 移動迷宮源起:閃焰密碼

$ 385 元 原價 385

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★ 2011 美國圖書館協會最佳青少年小說





本書為《移動迷宮》系列第五集。此系列小說曾翻拍成系列電影,風靡全球。不要錯過這萬眾矚目的系列結尾,最後揭露了湯瑪士和WICKED 組織是如何建立迷宮的。

也可以看看詹姆士.達許納最新暢銷力作《終極計畫》系列:《The Eye of Minds》、《The Rule of Thoughts》以及《The Game of Lives》!世界末日到來時,



這時,WICKED 組織出現了,他們要尋找解決問題的方法。之後,他們便找到了湯瑪士這名男孩,就是他建立了迷宮。


Book five in the blockbuster Maze Runner series that spawned a movie franchise and ushered in a worldwide phenomenon! Don’t miss the highly-anticipated series conclusion that finally reveals the story of how Thomas and WICKED built the Maze.

Also look for James Dashner’s newest bestselling series—The Mortality Doctrine: The Eye of Minds, The Rule of Thoughts, and The Game of Lives! Once there was a world’s end.

The forests burned, the lakes and rivers dried up, and the oceans swelled.Then came a plague, and fever spread across the globe.

Families died, violence reigned, and man killed man.

Next came WICKED, who were looking for an answer. And then they found the perfect boy. The boy’s name was Thomas, and Thomas built a maze.

Now there are secrets. There are lies.And there are loyalties history could never have foreseen. This is the story of that boy, Thomas, and how he built a maze that only he could tear down. All will be revealed.

 Age Range: 12 years +

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