This in-depth preparation for both AP Economics exams provides a detailed review of all test topics, including: supply and demand, theory of consumer choice, market structures, labor resources, monopsony, national income and gross domestic product, inflation and unemployment, monetary policy, economic growth, international trade and exchange, interest rate determination, and much more.
The book includes two full-length practice tests (one in Microeconomics and one in Macroeconomics) with all test questions answered and explained.
BONUS ONLINE PRACTICE TESTS: Students who purchase this book will also get FREE access to two additional full-length online AP Microeconomics/Macroeconomics tests with all questions answered and explained. These online exams can be easily accessed by smartphone, tablet, or computer.
附贈線上模擬試題:購買本書的考生也將免費獲得另外兩回全真 AP 微觀經濟學/宏觀經濟學線上測驗,並附全部試題的答案及詳解。透過智慧型手機、平板或電腦,即可輕鬆進入線上測驗。