Film Stars Don't Die in Liverpool (Media Tie In) 最後相愛的日子 | 拾書所

Film Stars Don't Die in Liverpool (Media Tie In) 最後相愛的日子

$ 560 元 原價 560

美好愛情 就是在對的時間遇見對的人

1978年,奧斯卡女星葛洛莉亞葛拉罕(安妮特班寧 飾)在倫敦與相差29歲的小演員彼得特納(傑米貝爾 飾)墜入愛河,她成熟的魅力讓彼得為之傾倒,而他對她的迷戀更讓她癡迷,但葛洛莉亞癌症突然復發,不願拖累彼得的她決定隱瞞病情與他分手,為她們炙熱的愛情畫下句點。



On September 29, 1981, Peter Turner received a phone call that would change his life. His former lover, Hollywood actress Gloria Grahame, had collapsed in a Lancaster hotel and was refusing medical attention.

He took her into his chaotic and often eccentric family’s home in Liverpool to see her through her last days. Though their affair had ended years before, it was to him that she turned in her final hour of need.

Taking place over the course of three weeks in Turner’s larger-than-life working-class family home, Film Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool is an affectionate, moving, and wryly humorous memoir of friendship, love, and stardom.

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