Japan 第五版 (National Geographic Traveler) | 拾書所

Japan 第五版 (National Geographic Traveler)

$ 980 元 原價 980

Travel to Japan and discover Tokyo's best sushi and sake spots, stroll Kyoto's gardens, and climb sacred Mount Fuji—with National Geographic as your trusted guide.

The latest edition of this popular guidebook, updated by Japan travel expert Perrin Lindelauf, covers all the main cities, towns, and regions of Japan, helping travelers negotiate one of Asia's most popular yet challenging destinations.

Travel information tips for Tokyo and Japan's eight main islands and regions are fully revised and updated in this latest edition, with useful new sidebars giving simple directions on getting to and from popular destinations.

This book outlines detailed city walks and regional drives, complete with maps and reservation information. Also included are features on the Age of the Samurai, Buddhism, Geisha, Shinto, Sacred Mount Fuji-San, Japan After Dark, and the remarkable Blue Zone of Okinawa. A brand-new feature will explore the future of travel, Japanese style—including a look at ANA's Dreamliner Aircraft.

The National Geographic Traveler guidebooks are aimed at readers who value experiential travel. Each book provides inspiring photography, insider tips, and expert advice for a more authentic, enriching experience of the destination.

These books serve a readership of active, discerning travelers, and supply information, historical context, and cultural interpretation not available on the Internet.


本暢銷旅遊書為最新版,內容由日本旅遊達人Perrin Lindelauf 增訂,涵蓋日本各大城市、鄉鎮及區域,幫助旅客攻克亞洲最熱門且具挑戰性的景點。


除了提供城市中徒步或開車旅遊所需的各區地圖及訂房資訊,還另外介紹許多日本文化特色,包含武士歷史探祕、佛教、藝妓、神道教、聖山富士山、夜生活以及名聞遐邇的藍色寶地沖繩。新版內容也帶您未來暢遊日本的交通工具,一探日本 ANA 全日航空夢幻客機。



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