Dominoes (New Edition) Pack Quick Starter: Sherlockholmes: The Dying Detective (with Audio Download Access Code) | 拾書所

Dominoes (New Edition) Pack Quick Starter: Sherlockholmes: The Dying Detective (with Audio Download Access Code)

$ 300 元 原價 300

‘Come quickly, Dr Watson,’ says Mrs Hudson. ‘Sherlock Holmes is dying!’

Sherlock Holmes was trying to solve a murder. But now he has a terrible illness, and he is not his normal self. Can his friend Watson help him? Can the strange Mr Culverton Smith help him? Or will Sherlock Holmes die?


夏洛克•福爾摩斯試圖解決一起謀殺,但現在他患上了一種可怕的疾病,變得不太正常,他的朋友華生能夠幫助他嗎?奇怪的Culverton Smith先生能幫他嗎?還是說夏洛克•福爾摩斯會死去?

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