Against All Odds | 拾書所

Against All Odds

$ 315 元 原價 315

Taking chances is part of life, but when you bet your future against the odds, it’s a high-risk game. Kate Madison’s stylish resale shop has been a big SoHo success, supporting her and her four kids since her husband’s untimely death.

Now her children are grown and ready to forge lives of their own.

And they all choose to play against the odds, to their mother’s dismay. Isabelle, a dedicated attorney, is in line to make partner at her Wall Street firm when she falls for a client she represents in a criminal case. She tells herself she can make a life with him—but can she?

Julie, a young designer, meets a man who seems too good to be true and falls under his spell. She marries him quickly, gives up her job, and moves to Los Angeles to be at his side—but is all what it seems?

Justin is a struggling writer who pushes for children with his partner before they’re financially or emotionally ready. Will the strain on the relationship take too high a toll? And Willie, the youngest, a tech expert, makes a choice that shocks them all, with a woman twelve years older.

Kate—loving, supportive, and outspoken—can’t keep her children from playing against the odds. Can the odds be beaten? Not often—as her children have to learn for themselves. For Kate, the hardest lesson will be that she can’t protect the children she loves from the choices they make—but can only love them as they make them.

冒險本是人生的一部分,但在條件不利的情況下,用自己的未來賭上一把,那就是場高風險的賭注。凱特麥迪遜的時尚二手商店,以在家辦公的模式,經營的非常成功,自從丈夫英年早逝,母子 5 人就靠這間店生活。

如今,孩子皆長大成人,準備各自成家。然而,這 4 個孩子的選擇皆令母親錯愕,因為他們決定賭上人生。



賈斯汀是一位生活困頓的作家,他和伴侶在心理和財務上皆未準備好時,就希望能有小孩,這股壓力是否會對他們的情感造成嚴重的傷害? 排行老么的威利是一位科技專家,他和大自己 12 歲的女人交往,這個選擇跌破眾人的眼鏡。

凱特是一位坦率且十分支持小孩的慈母,她無法阻止孩子以人生為賭注。他們能夠全盤皆贏嗎? 答案要由孩子們親身經歷過,才會了解。對凱特來說,最困難的是她無法保護孩子們遠離選擇帶來的後果。她唯一能做的,只有一如往常地給予愛和支持。

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