Help college-bound students succeed on the ACT with this revised and updated guide. The emphasis is on learning by doing, with six full-length practice tests for students to determine their strengths and improve their weak areas.
* Similar in length, structure, question types, and degree of difficulty to the actual ACT
* All test questions answered with detailed analyses explaining why each correct answer is the right one
* Includes exclusive tips and strategies to help test takers attain their highest score
* Serves as effective test preparation when used alone, and makes an ideal test prep companion when used in tandem with the current 2nd edition of Barron's ACT
* 試題長度、架構、題型與難易度皆模擬真實的 ACT 考試
* 所有試題皆附詳解並說明正解
* 收錄獨家應試技巧與策略,幫助考生拿高分
* 本書為應試的得力助手,同時也強烈建議搭配 Barron’s ACT 第二版一起閱讀