Full Wolf Moon | 拾書所

Full Wolf Moon

$ 350 元 原價 350

Jeremy Logan, the renowned "enigmalogist," has often found himself in situations where keeping an open mind could mean the difference between life and death, and that has never been more true than now.

When Logan travels to an isolated writers' retreat deep in the Adirondacks to work on his book, he discovers the remote community has been rocked by the grisly death of a hiker on Desolation Mountain.

The attack occurred during the full moon and the body was severely mauled, but the unusual savagery calls into question the initial suspicions of a bear attack.

Logan's theories take a dramatic turn when he meets Laura Feverbridge, a respected scientist who is still struggling with the violent loss of her father months earlier.As Feverbridge shares her research with Logan, he begins to wonder whether he is actually up against something he can’t believe is real.

聞名的「謎之學家」Jeremy Logan 經常發現自己處於一種情境,其中生與死的差異只在一念之間,而這種情境現在顯得更真實了。

當 Logan 前往 Adirondack 深處的一個偏僻作家休養所旅遊、寫書,他發現這個偏遠社區已經被 Desolation Mountain 上一位徒步旅行者的恐怖死亡所憾動。


Logan的理論產生戲劇性的轉變,就發生在遇見了備受尊敬的科學家 Laura Feverbridge 之後,不過她幾個月前才失去父親,仍然十分悲痛。當 Feverbridge 與 Logan 分享她的研究,Logan 開始懷疑他是否確實面臨自己不相信的真實事物。

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