Hello Stranger 藍眼惡棍 | 拾書所

Hello Stranger 藍眼惡棍

$ 280 元 原價 280

A woman who defies her time

Dr. Garrett Gibson, the only female physician in England, is as daring and independent as any man—why not take her pleasures like one? Yet she has never been tempted to embark on an affair, until now. Ethan Ransom, a former detective for Scotland Yard, is as gallant as he is secretive, a rumored assassin whose true loyalties are a mystery. For one exhilarating night, they give in to their potent attraction before becoming strangers again.

A man who breaks every rule

As a Ravenel by-blow spurned by his father, Ethan has little interest in polite society, yet he is captivated by the bold and beautiful Garrett. Despite their vow to resist each other after that sublime night, she is soon drawn into his most dangerous assignment yet. When the mission goes wrong, it will take all of Garrett’s skill and courage to save him. As they face the menace of a treacherous government plot, Ethan is willing to take any risk for the love of the most extraordinary woman he’s ever known.


《無視時間的女人 (A woman who defies her time)》
加勒特·吉布森 (Garrett Gibson) 博士是英格蘭唯一的女醫生,與所有男人一樣大膽、獨立,但為什麼卻不能像男人一樣盡情享樂呢?然而,直到現在,她從未想過要有緋聞。伊森·蘭森 (Ethan Ransom) 是「蘇格蘭場 (英國倫敦察警廳)」(Scotland Yard) 的前偵探,是一個既勇敢又神秘的人,一個傳聞中的刺客,忠誠度則是個謎。在一個令人興奮的夜晚,他們禁不住彼此強大的吸引力,事後卻形同陌路。
《打破規則的男人 (A man who breaks every rule) 》
身為一個被他的父親唾棄的羅芙奧 (Ravenel) 私生子,伊森不太在乎禮貌這件事,然而他卻被大膽而美麗的加勒特迷住。儘管他們在那個神聖的夜晚之後發誓要互相抗拒不再接觸,但她很快就陷入他最危險的任務。當任務出錯時,加勒特需要施展所有的技巧和勇氣來拯救他。當他們面對政府陰謀詭計的威脅時,伊森願意承擔任何風險不顧一切去愛他心中最非凡的女人。


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